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Stop the tower campaign!

Battersea at Risk – Stop the Glassmill Tower Now!


We expect Rockwell’s planning application for the Glassmill will go to the Planning Committee at Wandsworth imminently, and your support is needed NOW more than ever to stop it going ahead.

Friends of Battersea Riverside ( has 2000 letters of objection all showing how extremely worried we all are about this ludicrous development proposal which benefits no one apart from the developers, Rockwell and their American backers!  

Just some of the reasons why we must STOP GLASSMILL!

  1. Rockwell says that 50 affordable housing units will be included – funded by taxpayers’ money via the GLA. But will they all get built?
  2. Rockwell says that disruption during build in the area will be ‘manageable’. IT WON’T. The traffic in the area will grind to a halt. Emergency services won’t be able to get through.
  3. Rockwell says that Battersea Bridge won’t be damaged, but do they care? If this historic and important bridge is damaged in any way, Rockwell will not be liable for the repair!
  4. Rockwell says light to neighbours’ windows will be unaffected. This is simply not true -it will be affected!.

Please, please ensure that your objection to this unwanted Tower has been registered on the Council website. Every letter is vital.

To register or re-register your objection go to…

Sign the letter of objection!

Our letter of objection sets out the main reasons local people are fighting against The Glassmill plans. You can review the planning application here before you send the letter. Or visit our campaigns page to find out more.

If you’d like to stay informed with the latest updates and news, please use the subscription form below in the footer.


Protecting our riverside, preserving our community: together, we shape the future of Battersea

Friends of Battersea Riverside is a group of passionate local residents who care deeply about our community and the Thames riverside. We represent the interests of those living on the Battersea Riverside and the area around Battersea Bridge Road. Our goal is to protect and enhance the local environment, our community and heritage, working for positive change appropriate for the character of our neighbourhood.


Please join us and help to fund our campaign to stop this monstrous development. Costs to date have been covered by donations and all contributions are welcome. Any amount will help, so please send yours to:​ 

Friends of Battersea Riverside (FOBR)
Bank: Virgin Money
Sort code: 05-02-00
Account number: 11376660
